Oct 17 2024 88 mins
The Hellraiser franchise might have started off on a high note with Clive Barker's original fable of sadomasochistic puzzle boxes and otherworldly perversion, but the series lost steam so hard that it became virtually synonymous with Straight-to-DVD shlock. By the aughts, everyone except for the hardcore Hellraiser fans checked out. Even they would admit the series hit a low point.
Still, that didn't prepare anyone for Hellraiser: Revelations, a sequel that was so slapshot and shoddy that longtime Pinhead actor Doug Bradley didn't return for the first time. Ever since it's release, Hellraiser: Revelations has been so irreputable that it's reached an almost legendary status. Does anyone dare try to defend it?
Turns out, horror novelist, screenwriter, and journalist Preston Fassel has a lot to say in Revelations' favor. Join us for a discussion with Preston as we talk about Revelations' production, how it tries to honor the original Hellraiser, and the status of this famously uneven franchise.
Preston's Defense of Hellraiser: Revelations for Fangoria: https://www.fangoria.com/in-defense-of-revelation-the-hellraiser-movie-that-could-have-and-should-have-been-more/
Still, that didn't prepare anyone for Hellraiser: Revelations, a sequel that was so slapshot and shoddy that longtime Pinhead actor Doug Bradley didn't return for the first time. Ever since it's release, Hellraiser: Revelations has been so irreputable that it's reached an almost legendary status. Does anyone dare try to defend it?
Turns out, horror novelist, screenwriter, and journalist Preston Fassel has a lot to say in Revelations' favor. Join us for a discussion with Preston as we talk about Revelations' production, how it tries to honor the original Hellraiser, and the status of this famously uneven franchise.
Preston's Defense of Hellraiser: Revelations for Fangoria: https://www.fangoria.com/in-defense-of-revelation-the-hellraiser-movie-that-could-have-and-should-have-been-more/