Oct 28 2024 36 mins 12
Il teatro namibiano del conflitto in Africa presenta tre grandi particolarità, che lo rendono del tutto avulso rispetto a quello dell'Africa Occidentale e Orientale: innanzitutto l'ambiente desertico, poi il fatto che le forze in campo fossero quasi esclusivamente bianche, e infine il ruolo dei Boeri del Sudafrica.
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Scritto e condotto da Andrea Basso
Montaggio e audio: Andrea Basso
Fonti dell'episodio:
J. E. M. Atwell, The battle of Sandfontein, Imperial Research, 2006
Boeri, Treccani
Jurgens Johannes Britz, Genl S G (Manie) Maritz se aandeel aan die rebellie van 1914 – 1915, University of Pretoria, 1979
John Buchan, A History of the Great War, Houghton Mifflin, 1922
B. Bunting, The Rise of the South African Reich. London, Penguin, 1964
Camerun, Treccani
Convenzione dell’Aia del 1899, Dichiarazione III
M. Chappell, Seizing the German Empire. The British Army in World War I: The Eastern Fronts, Osprey, 2005
Fritz Damis, Auf Dem Moraberge – Erinnerungen an Die Kämpfe Der 3. Kompagnie Der Ehemaligen Kaiserlichen Schutztruppe Für Kamerun, 1929
Hennie de la Rey, Lappe Laubscher, Die ware generaal Koos de la Rey, Protea Boekhuis, 1998
Der Raubzug Gegen Unsere Kolonien, Der Täglichen Rundschau, 1915
Golf Dornseif, Kameruner Endkampf Um Die Festung Moraberg, 2010
Harry Fecitte, Lake Chad Area: 1914, The Soldier's Burden
Michael Friedewaldurl, Funkentelegrafie und deutsche Kolonien. Technik als Mittel imperialistischer Politik, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Georg-Agricola-Gesellschaft in München, 2001
Helga Bender Henry, Cameroon on a Clear Day, William Carey Library, 1999
Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances leading up to and attending upon the deaths of Senator General the Honourable J.H. de la Rey and Dr. G. Grace: report of the commissioner, the Hon. Mr. Justice Gregorowski, 1914
D. Killingray, Companion to World War I, Blackwell, 2012
Evert Kleynhans, South African invasion of German South West Africa (Union of South Africa), 1914-1918 Online, 2015
Hans Lenssen, Chronik von Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1883 – 1915, Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, 2002
Louis Botha, Encyclopedia Britannica
Manie Maritz, My lewe en strewe, 1939
F. J. Moberly, Military Operations Togoland and the Cameroons 1914–1916, History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, Imperial War Museum and Battery Press, 1995
T. Morlang, Askari und Fitafita: "farbige" Söldner in den deutschen Kolonien, Links, 2008
V. J. Ngoh, Cameroon (Kamerun): Colonial Period: German Rule, Encyclopedia of African History, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005
George Ndakwena Njung, Soldiers of their own. Honor, violence, resistance and conscription in colonial Cameroon during the First World War, University of Michigan, 2016
George Ndakwena Njung, West Africa, 1914-1918 Online, 2024
J. G. Orford, The verdict of history – Reflections on the possible influence of Siener van Rensburg's visions on General J. H. "Koos" de la Rey and some of the results, Military History Journal 2, Military History Society, 1971
Deneys Reitz, J.C. Smuts, Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War, Kessinger Publishing, 2005
Francis Reynolds, Allen Churchill, Francis Miller, The Cameroons, The Story of the Great War, 1916.
P. Schreckenbach, Die deutschen Kolonien vom Anfang des Krieges bis Ende des Jahres 1917, Weber, 1920
Timothy J. Stapleton, Union of South Africa, 1914-1918 Online, 2016
Hew Strachan, The First World War in Africa, Oxford University Press, 2004
Ian Van Der Waag, Battle of Sandfontein, First World War Studies 4, 2013
André Wessels, Afrikaner (Boer) Rebellion (Union of South Africa), 1914-1918 Online, 2015
H. P. Willmott, La Prima Guerra Mondiale, DK, 2006
In copertina: "kamelreiter" delle schutztruppe germaniche in Namibia, fotografati prima del conflitto, probabilmente nel corso della repressione della rivolta degli Herero e dei Nama. Nel deserto del Kalahari, era essenziale poter muovere le proprie forze a cavallo o su cammello.
Seguimi su Instagram: @laguerragrande_podcast
Se vuoi contribuire con una donazione sul conto PayPal: [email protected]
Scritto e condotto da Andrea Basso
Montaggio e audio: Andrea Basso
Fonti dell'episodio:
J. E. M. Atwell, The battle of Sandfontein, Imperial Research, 2006
Boeri, Treccani
Jurgens Johannes Britz, Genl S G (Manie) Maritz se aandeel aan die rebellie van 1914 – 1915, University of Pretoria, 1979
John Buchan, A History of the Great War, Houghton Mifflin, 1922
B. Bunting, The Rise of the South African Reich. London, Penguin, 1964
Camerun, Treccani
Convenzione dell’Aia del 1899, Dichiarazione III
M. Chappell, Seizing the German Empire. The British Army in World War I: The Eastern Fronts, Osprey, 2005
Fritz Damis, Auf Dem Moraberge – Erinnerungen an Die Kämpfe Der 3. Kompagnie Der Ehemaligen Kaiserlichen Schutztruppe Für Kamerun, 1929
Hennie de la Rey, Lappe Laubscher, Die ware generaal Koos de la Rey, Protea Boekhuis, 1998
Der Raubzug Gegen Unsere Kolonien, Der Täglichen Rundschau, 1915
Golf Dornseif, Kameruner Endkampf Um Die Festung Moraberg, 2010
Harry Fecitte, Lake Chad Area: 1914, The Soldier's Burden
Michael Friedewaldurl, Funkentelegrafie und deutsche Kolonien. Technik als Mittel imperialistischer Politik, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Georg-Agricola-Gesellschaft in München, 2001
Helga Bender Henry, Cameroon on a Clear Day, William Carey Library, 1999
Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances leading up to and attending upon the deaths of Senator General the Honourable J.H. de la Rey and Dr. G. Grace: report of the commissioner, the Hon. Mr. Justice Gregorowski, 1914
D. Killingray, Companion to World War I, Blackwell, 2012
Evert Kleynhans, South African invasion of German South West Africa (Union of South Africa), 1914-1918 Online, 2015
Hans Lenssen, Chronik von Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1883 – 1915, Namibia Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, 2002
Louis Botha, Encyclopedia Britannica
Manie Maritz, My lewe en strewe, 1939
F. J. Moberly, Military Operations Togoland and the Cameroons 1914–1916, History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, Imperial War Museum and Battery Press, 1995
T. Morlang, Askari und Fitafita: "farbige" Söldner in den deutschen Kolonien, Links, 2008
V. J. Ngoh, Cameroon (Kamerun): Colonial Period: German Rule, Encyclopedia of African History, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005
George Ndakwena Njung, Soldiers of their own. Honor, violence, resistance and conscription in colonial Cameroon during the First World War, University of Michigan, 2016
George Ndakwena Njung, West Africa, 1914-1918 Online, 2024
J. G. Orford, The verdict of history – Reflections on the possible influence of Siener van Rensburg's visions on General J. H. "Koos" de la Rey and some of the results, Military History Journal 2, Military History Society, 1971
Deneys Reitz, J.C. Smuts, Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War, Kessinger Publishing, 2005
Francis Reynolds, Allen Churchill, Francis Miller, The Cameroons, The Story of the Great War, 1916.
P. Schreckenbach, Die deutschen Kolonien vom Anfang des Krieges bis Ende des Jahres 1917, Weber, 1920
Timothy J. Stapleton, Union of South Africa, 1914-1918 Online, 2016
Hew Strachan, The First World War in Africa, Oxford University Press, 2004
Ian Van Der Waag, Battle of Sandfontein, First World War Studies 4, 2013
André Wessels, Afrikaner (Boer) Rebellion (Union of South Africa), 1914-1918 Online, 2015
H. P. Willmott, La Prima Guerra Mondiale, DK, 2006
In copertina: "kamelreiter" delle schutztruppe germaniche in Namibia, fotografati prima del conflitto, probabilmente nel corso della repressione della rivolta degli Herero e dei Nama. Nel deserto del Kalahari, era essenziale poter muovere le proprie forze a cavallo o su cammello.