Q&A: Selfish Motives in Prayer, Mormonism, and the Kingdom of God

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Nov 19 2024 31 mins   8
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/19/24), Hank answers the following questions:

How should I interpret Ezekiel 40-48? Which temple is he talking about? Jason - Columbia, SC (0:44)
When we petition God in prayer, how do we know our motives are not selfish? Charles - Springfield, MO (8:51)
Why do smart people like Mitt Romney, Donny Osmond, and Orrin Hatch buy into Mormonism when there is so much evidence against it? John - St. Charles, IL (15:14)
How do I answer a Buddhist who asks, “Where is the kingdom of God, and have you found it?” How do I respond to some of their Buddhist beliefs? Tracy - Elk Grove, CA (18:58)