River Phoenix got an Oscar nomination for his role as Danny Pope, the son of two fugitives on the run from the FBI. Though it sounds like an action-packed thriller, Running on Empty was anything but. The film dealt with the hopes, heartaches, and fears of the Pope family, but audiences in 1988 turned a cold shoulder. Now, decades later, is it time for the Sidney Lumet sleeper to come out of the shadows? Was this Phoenix's finest hour? And couldn't the ending have been a li'l happier? The Old Roommates cut a slice of "Sam cake" and give it a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this.
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#SidneyLumet #NaomiFoner #ChristineLahti #JuddHirsch #MarthaPlimpton #RiverPhoenix
Old Roommates can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates for bonus content and please give us a rating or review!
#SidneyLumet #NaomiFoner #ChristineLahti #JuddHirsch #MarthaPlimpton #RiverPhoenix