Feb 06 2025 30 mins 10
On this episode of Paranormal Odyssey, we share the story of the Flatwoods Monster and a plane that disappeared at the same time. Were they connected? This was written for the show by one of our loyal followers, Mike Wolf. Mike did an amazing job!
If you’ve had an encounter with the weird and would like to share it on an episode of PO, shoot me an email to [email protected]#Bigfoot, #Sasquatch, #Haunted, #Haunting, #Cryptid, #Podcast, #Unknown, #Scary, #Spooky, #Creepy, #Scared, #Ghost, #Demon, #Dogman, #Weird, #Yeti, #Wildman, #Woods, #Forest. Paranormal World Productions-Paranormal World Productions https://youtube.com/@Paranormalodysseyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@paranormalodyssey?_t=8YvNYM8zfmI&_r=1https://instagram.com/paranormalodyssey?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
If you’ve had an encounter with the weird and would like to share it on an episode of PO, shoot me an email to [email protected]#Bigfoot, #Sasquatch, #Haunted, #Haunting, #Cryptid, #Podcast, #Unknown, #Scary, #Spooky, #Creepy, #Scared, #Ghost, #Demon, #Dogman, #Weird, #Yeti, #Wildman, #Woods, #Forest. Paranormal World Productions-Paranormal World Productions https://youtube.com/@Paranormalodysseyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@paranormalodyssey?_t=8YvNYM8zfmI&_r=1https://instagram.com/paranormalodyssey?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=