This week the eenie meanies trade spots, as Rich is out and Feeney is back from his deathbed, or from the pink eye he had, or whatever; Raven asks possibly the most important question a person could ever ask, would you want to stay alive for the apocalypse? A pharmaceutical company claims to have developed an addiction-free non-opioid pain medication, and we're left wondering how does it work? Hear the heroic tale of how a doctor became ECW's ringside doctor after treating Raven for an unexpected bout of the gout; Denis Leary has a new army comedy on TV and Raven offers his slapdash review and gives it his approval; The recent epidemic of hot moms and teachers banging their students gives rise to a new rule for becoming a teacher; Feeney white knights it for women; The debate of the '90s hotties: Carmen vs. Jenny, who's hotter and better? Raven and Feeney take a trip up the poop chute to talk about anal sex, who likes it and why? Picking out UFC winners on a subpar card; How you win an argument when the topic is purely subjective, and of course, all the usual perversions.
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Raven - @theRavenEffect
Rich - @RichBocchini
Feeney - @jffeeney3rd
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