Feb 11 2025 77 mins 1
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Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith
Available in paperback on Amazon:
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- He who aspires to a higher degree of perfection must follow the three evangelical counsels: Perfect obedience, perpetual chas tity, and voluntary poverty.
- Perfect obedience consists in the complete subjection of one's will to that of a superior.
- Lifelong chastity consists in abstaining from marriage and from all unclean desires.
- Voluntary poverty consists in the renunciation of all earthly possessions.
- These three counsels are called the evangelical counsels ; be cause Our Lord gave them to us when He preached the Gospel, and followed them Himself.
- The evangelical counsels lead to higher perfection, because by their means the three evil concupiscences in man are completely destroyed and the chief obstacles in the way of his salvation are removed.
- Not every one is called of God to follow the evangelical counsels ; for Our Lord says : " All men take not this word, but they to whom it is given" (Matt. xix. 11).
- The members of religious Orders are bound to follow the evangelical counsels, and likewise all persons living in the world who have taken a vow to do so.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.
Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html
My substack newsletter for The Uncensored Catholic is: https://judsonc.substack.com/
Join our Catholic forums at CatholicsmRocks.org https://www.catholicismrocks.com/forum
Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/
Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith
Available in paperback on Amazon:
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.