Ep. 51: Braccio di ferro sui mari (7 agosto - 21 dicembre 1914)

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Mar 02 2025 54 mins   8
La guerra sui mari si sviluppa nell'Adriatico, fra l'Austria-Ungheria, la Francia e il Montenegro, ma anche nel Mare del Nord, dove gli Uboot della Kaiserliche Marine ottengono la loro consacrazione definitiva. Il sommergibile diviene l'arma definitiva della Germania per la prosecuzione della propria guerra navale.

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Scritto e condotto da Andrea Basso

Montaggio e audio: Andrea Basso

Fonti dell'episodio:

Annuaire de la Marine, 1915

Günter Bischof, Ferdinand Karlhofer, Nicole-Melanie Goll, Samuel R. Williamson, ‘Our Weddigen.’ On the Construction of the War Hero in the k.u.k. Army.: The ‘Naval Hero’ Egon Lerch as an Example, 1914: Austria-Hungary, the Origins, and the First Year of World War I, Univertity of New Orleans Press, 2014

Douglas Botting, I sommergibili, Mondadori, 1988 Heiko Brendel, Lovćen, 1914-1918 Online, 2014

British Merchant Ships Lost to Enemy Action, Years 1914, 1915, 1916 in date order, Naval History, 2011

David Brown, The Grand Fleet: Warship Design and Development 1906–1922, U. S. Naval Institute, 1999

Malcolm Brown, The Imperial War Museum Book of the First World War: A Great Conflict Recalled in Previously Unpublished Letters, Diaries, Documents and Memoirs, University of Oklahoma Press, 1993

Marc Castel, Fresnel, Sous marins francais Richard Compton-Hall, Submarines at war, 1914–18, Periscope Publishing, 2004

J. S. Corbett, Naval Operations. History of the Great War based on Official Documents, Imperial War Museum and Naval & Military Press, 1938

Károly Csonkaréti, Marynarka Wojenna Austro-Węgier w I wojnie światowej 1914-1918, Arkadiusz Wingert, 2004

Mike Farquharson-Roberts, A History of the Royal Navy: World War I, I.B.Tauris, 2014

Robert Gardiner, Randal Gray, Conway's All The World's Fighting Ships 1906–1921, Conway Maritime Press, 1985

R. Gibson, M. Prendergast, The German Submarine War, 1914–1918, Naval Institute Press, 2003

James Goldrick, Before Jutland: The Naval War in Northern European Waters, August 1914 – February 1915, U. S. Naval Institute, 2015

Paul G. Halpern, La grande guerra nel Mediterraneo, LEG, 2008

Paul G. Halpern, Mediterranean Theater, Naval Operations, 1914-1918 Online, 2016

Peter Hart, La grande storia della Prima Guerra Mondiale, Newton & Compton, 2013

Guðmundur Helgason, WWI U-boats: KUK U12, German and Austrian U-boats of World War I - Kaiserliche Marine - Uboat.net, 2008

David Howarth, Le corazzate, Mondadori, 1988

John Jordan, Philippe Caresse, French Battleships of World War One, Seaforth Publishing, 2017

Charles Koburger, The Central Powers in the Adriatic, 1914–1918: War in a Narrow Sea, Praeger, 2001

Laibacher Zeitung n. 73, 1915

Robert Massie, Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea, Jonathan Cape, 2004

Erwin Sieche, French Naval Operations, Engagements and Ship Losses in the Adriatic in World War One, 2000

Erwin Sieche, The Austro-Hungarian Submarine Force, 2000

Anthony Sokol, Naval Strategy in the Adriatic Sea During the World War, U. S. Naval Institute, 1937

Anthony Sokol, The Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy, U. S. Naval Institute, 1968

Spencer Tucker, World War I: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection, 2014

Pierpaolo Zagnoni, Il ritrovamento della torpediniera 88S, Sub 290, Adventures, 2009

In copertina: Logan Marshall, Gilbert Parker, Vance Thompson, Philip Gibbs, Illustrazione dell'azione del 22 settembre, in Thrilling stories of the Great War on land and sea, in the air, under the water, 1915