Mar 05 2025 65 mins 8
EXTRA! EXTRA! HEAR ALL ABOUT IT! Zach is joined by writer for KryptonSite, Russ Dimino! They talk his early days of Lois & Clark fandom and The Krypton Club newsletter, his The Many Faces Of… columns, and legacy casting on Smallville!
Check out Russ' columns here! And at KryptonSite!
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Isaiah Goodridge
Cory Moore
Nathan Rothacher
Atif Sheikh
Thomas Naven
John Curcio
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Michael Hartford
Jim Crawford
Kasey Vach / @ThePandaSupreme
Megan Rich
Rouie Humphrey
Alex Hamilton / @Quiet_Storm_23
Matt Douglas
Daniel Curiel
Meryl Smith / @MelXtreme84
Trevis Hull
Ryan Love
Amy J.
Mike Franz
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Tae Tae / @doomsday994.
Rob O'Connor / @TheGothamite
Tina B
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Dylan DiAntonio
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Clunk Kant / @ClunkKant
Nicholas Fansler
John Long
Ruth Anne Crews
Travis Kill / @tjkill81
Mike Thomas
Neena J / @Sofiamom1
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
James Hart / @jaoharts
Anthony Desiato /@DesiWestside
Crystal Cross
Jake C.
John Sweitzer
Kirin Kumar
Lorenzo Valdes / @ClarksCreek
EMAIL: [email protected]
Check out Russ' columns here! And at KryptonSite!
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Isaiah Goodridge
Cory Moore
Nathan Rothacher
Atif Sheikh
Thomas Naven
John Curcio
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Michael Hartford
Jim Crawford
Kasey Vach / @ThePandaSupreme
Megan Rich
Rouie Humphrey
Alex Hamilton / @Quiet_Storm_23
Matt Douglas
Daniel Curiel
Meryl Smith / @MelXtreme84
Trevis Hull
Ryan Love
Amy J.
Mike Franz
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Tae Tae / @doomsday994.
Rob O'Connor / @TheGothamite
Tina B
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Dylan DiAntonio
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Clunk Kant / @ClunkKant
Nicholas Fansler
John Long
Ruth Anne Crews
Travis Kill / @tjkill81
Mike Thomas
Neena J / @Sofiamom1
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
James Hart / @jaoharts
Anthony Desiato /@DesiWestside
Crystal Cross
Jake C.
John Sweitzer
Kirin Kumar
Lorenzo Valdes / @ClarksCreek
EMAIL: [email protected]