Aug 11 2021 81 mins
Before diving into another week of reality TV dumpster fires, I have to share the latest binges I’ve been into. If you love crime and/or mystery series, be sure you tune in. The White Lotus is at the top of my list, but Woodstock 99 and some lesser-known docs have had me glued to my TV the last few weeks.
No episode would be complete without a 90 Day Fiance (22:00) rundown. Sure Angela and Michael have exhausted ALL our ovaries, but there are several things to be said about Ronald and Mike, as well as Natalie’s Single White Female “friend” Julia. Speaking of crazy chicks, Love After Lockup (46:15) has given us plenty of flavors to choose from. The twist to this season is that each inmate/partner has an equally crazier partner. It’s truly a mindf@ck when you start thinking Lisa has quite a level head on her shoulders and Ray should aim higher.
In the wildest twist of all, Real Housewives of Potomac and Beverly Hills (1:08:00) are just a side-step away from the felony charges on WeTV. While we all know about Erika’s fall from her not-so-PrettyMess, I have some predictions about a new RHOP Housewife that reminds me of a Defendant J. Shah. Allegedly, thats my opinion!
*PATREON Bonus Episodes, free mugs/shirts/hoodies & more at This week: Family Therapy & Bachelor in Paradise
*Total Request Podcast at YOU request the shows, WE watch them & break em down. This week: Ferrets Pursuit of Excellence Documentary & Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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