Feb 26 2025 58 mins 250
Join us for this much-needed follow-up on Seventh-day Adventism.
While our initial series focused on the history of Ellen G. White and the late Dr. Walter Martin’s interactions with SDA leadership when he wrote Kingdom of the Cults, this will be a theological examination of Seventh-day Adventism and its claims.
Is Seventh-day Adventism a non-Christian cult or just a misunderstood denomination?
Our guest, Myles, is a former third-generation Adventist who runs the popular channel Answering Adventism and will be examining its theological claims by way of its primary sources to see if it passes the sniff test of orthodoxy.
In Part 1, we chat with Myles about what it was like growing up in the SDA church, what caused him to eventually leave, and the complexities of navigating the language barrier when it comes to Adventism.
Check out Myles' YouTube HERE!