Oct 15 2024 22 mins
Earlier this year, the CDC updated its recommendations on pain management for IUD insertion (intrauterine devices used for birth control), which prompted Carine Carmy to share her story of how an IUD insertion sent her to the emergency room with severe pain, nausea, chills and a fever. She talks about what happened, and why we should have more in-depth conversations about pain management with our healthcare providers. She’s now the co-founder and CEO of Origin, a women’s health company focused on pelvic floor physical therapy, and she explains why the pelvic floor is an overlooked and crucial part of our bodies and overall health.
Listen to another episode about cervical health - 'Sharing a difficult story about cervical screening, with writer Brittany Chaffee'
CDC updates guidelines on pain relief for IUD insertion https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-to-know-about-pain-relief-iud-insertion-options-insurance/
Pelvic health 101 https://www.theoriginway.com/pelvic-floor-101
The 2024 Origin pelvic health study https://www.theoriginway.com/2024-pelvic-health-study
On this episode, we also spotlight the work of the Gynecologic Cancer Initiative of British Columbia. Learn more at https://gynecancerinitiative.ca/
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DISCLAIMER What you hear and read on ‘Overlooked’ is for general information purposes only and represents the opinions of the host and guests. The content on the podcast and website should not be taken as medical advice. Every person’s body is unique, so please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions that may arise.