Jul 17 2024 38 mins
We think it’s obvious that trans women are women, but our Twitter mentions say otherwise. In an election year full of dog-whistling, we have grown disgusted by the dehumanization of trans people from all sides of the political spectrum. Trans people deserve to live their lives, play sports, and be themselves. On this episode, we talked with Anya Marino and Gillian Branstetter about why TERFs are not feminists, how transphobes have become emboldened to spread their hatred in our politics and schools, and why it is more important than ever to protect trans adults and trans children.
- NWLC Blog - Once and For All: This Is Why We Support Trans Women and Girls in Sports
- Read about SCOTUS granting cert to one of the ACLU’s challenges against an anti-trans health care ban in Tennessee with arguments coming this fall. U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge from United States, Families, and Doctors Against Transgender Health Care Ban | American Civil Liberties Union (aclu.org)
- ACLU Protect Trans Care action Protect Trans Care Now | American Civil Liberties Union (aclu.org)