Apr 03 2024 32 mins
Romance as a genre has been historically dismissed as unserious, very likely because women make up its core audience. But it’s always been popular and lucrative. Romance has also been at the forefront of inclusive fiction and driving social change. With our guests, Tia Williams, an acclaimed author, and Kelsey Grimes, a reproductive rights lawyer at NWLC, we unpack the genre and how it’s inextricably linked to conversations about contraception, abortion, and freedom.
We’ve got romance recommendations for you!
Tia’s rec: This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan
Kelsey’s rec: Any book by Courtney Milan
Hilary’s rec: The Hating Game by Sally Thorne and for historical, A League of Extraordinary Women series by Evie Dunmore
Jessica’s rec: Act Your Age, Even Brown by Talia Hibbert