Feb 23 2025 8 mins 6
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James 1:5 NLT)
The Bible tells us that God is generous in sharing his wisdom with us—all we have to do is ask for it. Even more, he won’t rebuke us or be disappointed in us when we ask for his wisdom, he wants to give it to us! (James 1:5). We should never be embarrassed to ask God for help or instructions!
As Christians, we get to lean on the Holy Spirit and apply his wisdom to every area of our lives from how to treat people, how to spend our time, what activities to participate in, what movies to watch, what relationships to pursue, and how to best use our finances. God cares about every part of our lives and will give us the wisdom to navigate it all in a way that honors him.
This week, let's ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom on how to best pray for our kids as they follow God. As our kids see us asking for wisdom, they will learn to do the same! Let's pray that our kids will seek God's wisdom through prayer, other discerning believers, and scripture.
Lord, I pray that _________ would be quick to turn to you for wisdom whenever they need to make a decision, need comfort, or feel confused. In every area of their lives, I pray they depend on you. May they develop a hunger for wisdom and insight from you. May they always have the humility to know that your ways are better than their ways and that you want them to ask for help and guidance. Amen.
Get your printed copy of A Life of Faith: Prayer Journal
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