Jun 25 2024 56 mins
Leanne and Joel met at the Lamberton Conservatory move to sit on the grass near Poet's Park in Rochester's Highland Park. The time opens with Leanne asking Joel about his sweatshirt and the meaning of 'Am Yisrael Chai' as Joel explains the emblem on the sweatshirt, a Hamsa and the talk moves to intentions of people, ill intention and service orientated intention and how the Universe mirrors our intentions by giving what we give and offering what we offer. A blanket is set and the Soul, biking, hiking in relation to health is discussed. The topic of hiking arises and Joel shares how he met his 'good friend' Dave at a Zen group and the intuitive knowing that arose guiding the connection. Leanne talks and teaches about Green Burial, birth, and Isiah House a hospice house for people at end of life without options to afford hospice care otherwise. Leanne shares more about Green Burial and the talk moves to Bardos and Karma. Joel shares the story of a most influential mentor and 'good friend' John Bednarchik (Pictured) and John's passing from this world in 2012.