Feb 06 2025 14 mins 8
Welcome to the one hundred and thirty second episode of the #Expatchat podcasts where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat.
In today’s Expat Chat we discuss how Australian expats manage sharia law when they move to the Middle East or any other country that's governing law is based on the Islamic faith.
With destinations like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Qatar becoming popular destinations for Australian expats its important for those looking to move to the region have a understanding of the law not only to avoid breaking it but to also anticipate how to navigate this when things go wrong.
In the majority of cases the time an Australian expat in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi or Qatar have to face Sharia Law and its implications on your finances is when there is a death in the family.
Generally speaking under Sharia Law when it comes to succession an individuals testamentary as to who gets what assets is limited to between one third and one quarter of their assets (depending in whether the law is based on Sunni or Shi'i schemes of inheritance) whilst the remaining amount is passes to their legal heirs. Who these legal heirs are can vary wildly depending on which scheme of inheritance is employed.
In this episode we run through the following topics:
• How to navigate sharia law as a Australian expat in the region?
• What an Australian expat can do to prepare?
• How important are wills to helping Australian expats navigate sharia law?
Links that we discussed in this episode include:
• Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events
• Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum
• Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/
• Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/
If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below.
Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat.
Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community.
Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas.
To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com.
Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management
Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt
In today’s Expat Chat we discuss how Australian expats manage sharia law when they move to the Middle East or any other country that's governing law is based on the Islamic faith.
With destinations like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Qatar becoming popular destinations for Australian expats its important for those looking to move to the region have a understanding of the law not only to avoid breaking it but to also anticipate how to navigate this when things go wrong.
In the majority of cases the time an Australian expat in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi or Qatar have to face Sharia Law and its implications on your finances is when there is a death in the family.
Generally speaking under Sharia Law when it comes to succession an individuals testamentary as to who gets what assets is limited to between one third and one quarter of their assets (depending in whether the law is based on Sunni or Shi'i schemes of inheritance) whilst the remaining amount is passes to their legal heirs. Who these legal heirs are can vary wildly depending on which scheme of inheritance is employed.
In this episode we run through the following topics:
• How to navigate sharia law as a Australian expat in the region?
• What an Australian expat can do to prepare?
• How important are wills to helping Australian expats navigate sharia law?
Links that we discussed in this episode include:
• Upcoming events - https://atlaswealth.com/events
• Facebook Group - Australian Expat Financial Forum Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Australianexpatfinancialforum
• Ask Atlas - Have your questions answered on the podcast by clicking this link - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/questions-or-feedback-for-the-expat-podcast/
• Expat Mortgage Podcast - https://atlaswealth.com/news-media/australian-expat-podcasts/expat-mortgage-podcast/
If you like the content make sure you let us know by hitting the thumbs up and subscribing as well as providing some feedback in the comments below.
Atlas Wealth Management is a specialist in providing tax financial planning advice to every Australian #expat.
Whether you are based in Asia, the Middle East, Europe or the Americas, we have the experience in providing wealth management and planning services to the expatriate community.
Atlas Wealth Management was born out of the demand from expats who wanted a financial adviser to help them navigate the tax and financial maze of living abroad as well as assisting them make the most out of their time overseas.
To find out more about Atlas Wealth Management and how we can help Australian expats please go to https://www.atlaswealth.com.
Make sure you connect with us on our respective social media channels:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/atlaswealthmgmt
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/atlas-wealth-management
Twitter: www.twitter.com/atlaswealthmgmt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/atlaswealthmgmt