This episode of History Impossible is an adaptation of the historical polemic I wrote on the one-year anniversary of October 7th, 2023, examining the interpretation of genocide, as applied to the current war between Hamas and Israel, and to the devastation wrought against the Bosnian Muslims by their Serb counterparts in the early 1990s. This episode touches on some extremely upsetting and dark material, including descriptions of child death, mass killing, and rape, so please consider yourself warned if that sort of thing is something you might want to avoid.
This episode will serve as a polemical counterpart to the first installment of the graduate school trilogy I have in the works. The other adaptations will have their own thematic counterparts, and I hope to release those in the coming weeks and months, which will hopefully sate everyone’s interest until the next and penultimate episode of “The Muslim Nazis” is released.
History Impossible has been made possible by the following generous supporters on Patreon, Substack, and PayPal. Please consider donating today to help keep me free and this show alive:
David Adamcik
David Alsbach
Rajan Athul
Robert Babeon
Michael Beach
Greg Bosai
Johannes Breitsameter
Carol ABC
Charles C
Clayton Connell
Lynda Davis
Paul DeCoster
Regina Dick-Endrizzi
Neil Dickens
Nathan Diehl
Bob Downing
Gavin Edwards
Howie Feltersnatch
Pierre Ghazarian
Jayson Griesmeyer
Nathan Grote
Benjamin Hamilton
Peter Hauck
Eric Hodges
Carey Hurst
Mike Jarulic
Russell Johnson
Lionel Joseph
Thomas Justesen
Mike Kalnins
Bryn Kaufman
Leah Kodner
Benjamin Lee
Constance Loucks
Mounty of Madness
Jose Martinez
Mike Mayleben
Judy McCoid
Kyle Mohney
Kostas Moros
Ryan Mortenson
Cameron Needham
Skip Pacheco
Mel Padden
David Page
Molly Pan
Jeff Parrent
Sharon Peplinski
Sr. Powell
Brian Pritzl
PJ Rader
Gleb Radutsky
Aleksandr Rakitin
Matthew M. Rice
Phillip Rice
Terry Rosen
Chris Rowe
Dan S
Jon Andre Saether
Jake Scalia
Emily Schmidt
Julian Schmidt
David Schwedinger
Andrew Seeber
Joshua Simpson
Cameron Smith
Jerry Spangler
Thomas Squeo
Pier-Luc St-Pierre
Athal Krishna Sundarrajan
Jared Cole Temple
Ward Van Roy
Robert VS
Jonny Wilkie
Michael Wroblewski
F. You
Greg Zink
Become a supporter of this podcast:
This episode will serve as a polemical counterpart to the first installment of the graduate school trilogy I have in the works. The other adaptations will have their own thematic counterparts, and I hope to release those in the coming weeks and months, which will hopefully sate everyone’s interest until the next and penultimate episode of “The Muslim Nazis” is released.
History Impossible has been made possible by the following generous supporters on Patreon, Substack, and PayPal. Please consider donating today to help keep me free and this show alive:
David Adamcik
David Alsbach
Rajan Athul
Robert Babeon
Michael Beach
Greg Bosai
Johannes Breitsameter
Carol ABC
Charles C
Clayton Connell
Lynda Davis
Paul DeCoster
Regina Dick-Endrizzi
Neil Dickens
Nathan Diehl
Bob Downing
Gavin Edwards
Howie Feltersnatch
Pierre Ghazarian
Jayson Griesmeyer
Nathan Grote
Benjamin Hamilton
Peter Hauck
Eric Hodges
Carey Hurst
Mike Jarulic
Russell Johnson
Lionel Joseph
Thomas Justesen
Mike Kalnins
Bryn Kaufman
Leah Kodner
Benjamin Lee
Constance Loucks
Mounty of Madness
Jose Martinez
Mike Mayleben
Judy McCoid
Kyle Mohney
Kostas Moros
Ryan Mortenson
Cameron Needham
Skip Pacheco
Mel Padden
David Page
Molly Pan
Jeff Parrent
Sharon Peplinski
Sr. Powell
Brian Pritzl
PJ Rader
Gleb Radutsky
Aleksandr Rakitin
Matthew M. Rice
Phillip Rice
Terry Rosen
Chris Rowe
Dan S
Jon Andre Saether
Jake Scalia
Emily Schmidt
Julian Schmidt
David Schwedinger
Andrew Seeber
Joshua Simpson
Cameron Smith
Jerry Spangler
Thomas Squeo
Pier-Luc St-Pierre
Athal Krishna Sundarrajan
Jared Cole Temple
Ward Van Roy
Robert VS
Jonny Wilkie
Michael Wroblewski
F. You
Greg Zink
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