Feb 24 2025 96 mins 18

Rubicon Trail Foundations former President Ken Hower joins Jimmy and Tyler to discuss the Reroute happening on the Rubicon. He explains why the reroute is happening around Miller Creek drop-off, and how the hill side can just slide away. Explains how the National Parks got a grant to help make this happen, and how an off-roader is going to build the bypass and add some fun obstacles. Maybe the most important part is he talks about how the Rubicon is not going to lose its RS2477 status.
RTF: Website, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
Rubicon Trail Foundation – Reroute Videos:
President Message – Trail Re-Route
TNF Re-Route Zoom Call Replay
RTF Lawyer – Jesse Barton Speaks about RS2477
Want to win some Tires? Our friends at Yokohama are donating a set of tires for the 750 Apple Podcast reviews giveaway winner. Also, like before, we will give away swag packs every 50 until we get to the main giveaway. All reviews need to be left on Apple Podcast to be entered. Congratulations to TannerIsCooler for winning the 550 reviews swag pack. 1986Toyota4x4Pickup won 650 reviews for a SnailTrail4x4 Swag pack and an OnX off-road Elite Membership.
Call us and leave us a VOICEMAIL!!!
We want to hear from you even more!!! You can call and say whatever you like! Ask a question, leave feedback, correct some information about welding, say how much you hate your Jeep, and wish you had a Toyota! We will air them all, live, on the podcast! +01-916-345-4744. If you have any negative feedback, you can call our negative feedback hotline, 408-800-5169.
4Wheel Underground has all the suspension parts you need to take your off-road rig from leaf springs to a performance suspension system. We just ordered our kits for Kermit and Samantha and are looking forward to getting them. The ordering process was quite simple and after answering the questionnaire to ensure we got the correct and best-fitting kits for our vehicles. If you want to level up your suspension game, check out 4Wheel Underground.
SnailTrail4x4 Podcast is brought to you by all of our peeps over at irate4x4! Make sure to stop by and see all of the great perks you get for supporting SnailTrail4x4! Discount Codes, Monthly Give-Always, Gift Boxes, the SnailTrail4x4 Community, and the ST4x4 Treasure Hunt! Thank you to all of those who support us! We couldn’t do it without you guys (and gals!)!
SnailSquad Monthly Giveaway
The February Giveaway is with our favorite tool company Gearwrench. We will be doing a choose-your-own-adventure tools grab with a wide assortment of tools that we highlight for you. If you want a chance to win some GearWrench Tools make sure to sign up as a SnailSquad member on Irate4x4.com
Want to win some Tork Straps? This month we are teaming up with Tork Straps to give away some of these awesome straps. They have a fantastic design that holds tension even when the items are moving around. If you want a chance to win some Tork Straps make sure to sign up as a SnailSquad member on Irate4x4.com
Listener Discount Codes:
SnailTrail4x4 –SnailTrail15 for 15% off SnailTrail4x4 Merch
MORRFlate – snailtraill4x4 to get 10% off MORRFlate Multi Tire Inflation Deflation™ Kits
Ironman 4×4 – snailtrail20 to get 20% off all Ironman 4×4 branded equipment!
Sidetracked Offroad – snailtrail4x4 (lowercase) to get 15% off lights and recovery gear
Spartan Rope – snailtrail4x4 to get 10% off sitewide
Shock Surplus – SNAILTRAIL4x4 to get $25 off any order!
Mob Armor – SNAILTRAIL4X4 for 15% off
SummerShine Supply – ST4x4 for 10% off
4WheelUnderground – snailtrail
Backpacker’s Pantry – Affiliate Link
Laminx Protective Films – Use Link to get 20% off all products (Affiliate Link)
Show Music:
- Midroll Music – ComaStudio
- Outroll Music – Meizong Kumbang