Holding on to your kids, discipline, and authority

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Aug 20 2024 107 mins  

In this episode, Pastor Tim Bayly is joined by his son, Joseph (Senior Pastor at Christ Church in Cincinnati), and son-in-law, Lucas Weeks (College and Administrative Pastor at Trinity Reformed Church in Bloomington, IN) to discuss parenting.

We often think that our parenting is a failure if we have to resort to authority. That attitude is foolishness and an abandonment of God's rules for parenting. Our fears and modern psychologists have trained us to believe that authority is antithetical to having your child's heart. We must be reminded that if we intend to hold on to our children, obedience to God is the only way.

No one would deny that mothers and fathers have duties regarding their children, but many are willing to dispute that children have duties regarding their parents. Parents ought to serve and love their children, but also children ought to serve and love their parents.


Mentions during the show:

First, the podcast starts out talking about this book:

Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers

by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Maté

Second, we mention this book:

Shepherding a Child’s Heart

by Ted Tripp

Third, I read from this book:

The Thing (the chapter I read from is titled, “The Drift from Domesticity”)

by G. K. Chesterton

Joseph mentioned:

Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology

By Neil Postman


Out of Our Minds Podcast: Pastors Who Say What They Think. For the love of Christ and His Church.

Out of Our Minds is a production of New Geneva Academy. Are you interested in preparing for ordained ministry with pastors? Have a desire to grow in your knowledge and fear of God? Apply at www.newgenevaacademy.com.

Master of Divinity
Bachelor of Divinity
Certificate in Bible & Theology
Groundwork: The Victory of Christ & The Great Conversation

Intro and outro music is Psalm of the King, Psalm 21 by My Soul Among Lions.

Out of Our Minds audio, artwork, episode descriptions, and notes are property of New Geneva Academy and Warhorn Media, published with permission by Transistor, Inc.

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