Jul 19 2024 64 mins 2
S1 EP02 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad discuss what their dream Pokémon teams would be, and why they chose the team they did, if Pokémon were real.
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.
Creators & Guests
- David Geisler - Producer
- Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host
- Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.
Also featured in this episode:
Track: GRÄF - Money
Music provided by GRÄF
Free Stream: https://fanlink.to/itsgraefmoney
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The views, information, or opinions expressed during Another Pokemon Podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Sixfive Media and its employees.
This has been a production of Sixfive Media.