May 23 2024 27 mins
When we witness the fall of someone who has embodied evil, the tangle of emotions can be as complex as the Talmudic debates themselves. In this episode we embark on a riveting journey through the Jewish lens on justice, mercy, and the celebration—or lack thereof—of an adversary's demise. Our conversation was sparked by the global reactions to the death of the Iranian president, Ibrahim Raisi Y"S, a poignant moment that brought ancient teachings squarely into the present. Rabbi Nagel shared his insights on the nuanced dance between human joy and angelic restraint, raising questions about our response to the end of wickedness.
Amidst our dialogue, we traversed the moral landscape that defines Jewish identity, especially when confronting unrepentant foes. The episode traverses the treacherous path of "misplaced mercy" against the backdrop of survival, with historical echoes from the Mossad's storied interventions. Personal narratives and the hope-infused message of Pesach Sheini added layers of complexity to our discussion, reminding us that even amidst the gravest of circumstances, there remains room for repentance and redemption. As we scrutinized international reactions, including those of the United Nations, the conversation inevitably turned toward the critical need to uphold a clear moral compass in our world—a world where the distinction between good and evil must stand unwavering. Join Rabbi Nagel and Rabbi Wolbe for an episode that will confront your convictions and invite a deeper contemplation of justice, responsibility, and the enduring spirit of the Jewish ethos.
This Episode (#21) of the Unboxing Judaism Podcast is dedicated in loving memory of Sara Bas Menachem Z"L
Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Studio B on May 23, 2024, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on March 23, 2024
Unboxing Judaism Podcast is a discussion on fundamental Jewish and modern cultural topics through the lens of our Torah and heritage with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from TORCH, in Houston, Texas
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Rabbi Yaakov Nagel is the founding member of TORCH and has been active since 1998. Additionally, Rabbi Nagel serves as the Senior Rabbi at Heimish of Houston and has been delivering the Daf Yomi (Daily Folio of Talmud) for TORCH since 2003. Rabbi Nagel is the Head of the Court for Jewish Divorce and actively serves as a member of the Houston Beis Din.
Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe serves as the Director of TORCH since 2005.
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- Daf Yomi Podcast -
- Unboxing Judaism Podcast -
SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe:
- NEW!! Prayer Podcast:
- Jewish Inspiration Podcast:
- Parsha Review Podcast:
- Living Jewishly Podcast:
- Thinking Talmudist Podcast:
- Unboxing Judaism Podcast:
- Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection:
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