After Katie Neely introduces Matt Scheuneman, Tara Havely, and Kevin Huggins, the four jump right in to talking about grief.
Kevin starts by explaining that grief is a signal emotion, and everyone experiences it differently. He talks specifically about the loss parents and divorced couples can feel.
Matt and Katie talk about how you can feel multiple things at once, like sadness and happiness.
Kevin and Matt transition to discussing miscarriages, and the grief that accompanies that. Matt mentions Lauren Morgan on Fellowship staff and Project Gabriel.
The four spend time responding to grief and loss in this current season around COVID.
Matt then discloses the consequences of not dealing with grief and a loss. He shares that he feels there's been a reluctance by some to accept the losses during COVID. Matt says that we have to be willing to work through our grief, but we don't have to do it alone. He references C.S. Lewis' book 'A Grief Observed.' Kevin also brings up Jacob in the Old Testament and how he refused to be comforted and deal with his loss, and how detrimental it can be when we don't deal with our emotions.
Tara brings up again that grief is so unique to each person, but there are some things we can do to grieve well. She mentions allowing ourselves to cry and inviting the Lord to mourn with us. Matt and Tara reference Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, and how Jesus weeps.
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