Oct 29 2024 26 mins
In this episode, Mickey is on-site at the 13th Annual Nonprofit Leadership Conference, hosted at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens on October 9th, 2024. He speaks with:
Chris Woods, CEO and President of Artportunity Knocks, increasing opportunities in the Arts, Education, Community Service, and Bridging Cultures. Chris says, “I'm a firm believer of rather than talking about the problem, become the solution, and we did that.” What was the solution? Listen to find out.
Joe Arnold, retired SVP at Suntrust Bank, and panel moderator of the conference. Joe notes: “We've got a lot of CEOs who are constantly working in their own vacuum and don't know some of the other CEO leaders across our city, and we thought putting together an annual conference about four and a half hours once a year would be a great way to pull them all together. And I'm just delighted that here in our 13th year that again, we've got to sell out crowd.”
Mindy Binderman, Executive Director of GEEARS, the Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students. We talk about issues of the importance of leadership in all of nonprofit work, “because we know that good leadership is essential for getting great outcomes for kids.”
Howie Rosenberg, Executive Director of Gigi's Playhouse Atlanta, a Down syndrome achievement center offering free services to participants and their families with Down syndrome. “I'm very passionate about what I do. I love my job. I love having no barrier for people to be successful and to get services. I can tell you we may have a family that lives at Country Club to the south, and we might have family that lives in their car and they get the same quality service and the same experiences as each other.”
Ron Alston, Senior Vice President at Truist, leading the Not-For-Profit & Government Banking practice. We discuss how nonprofit banking may differ from any other kind of banking: “Nonprofit needs are different. They really revolve around financing solutions they have. So if they are engaged in a capital campaign and they are building infrastructure, they can utilize tax exempt financing vehicles that small businesses don't have access to. If they're doing work in low to moderate income communities, there are tax credit programs that can be used to help them complete projects…”
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