Kanye’s WILD tweets, booing Taylor Swift at the Superbowl is somehow Trump’s fault, and Ryan explains how he bullies chat gpt
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RYAN ON TOUR: Phoenix: Feb 14-16, Portland: Feb 25/26, Edmonton: Jan 24-26, Tacoma: Feb 27-March 1, LA: March 30, Irvine: March 21, San Jose: March 22/23, Tampa: March 28/29, Salt Lake City: April 11/12, Denver: April 13, Atlanta: April 25/26 ryanlongcomedy.com
Ryan @ryanlongcomedy
00:00 - Toronto Man’s Superbowl Reaction
00:43 - Intro
01:10 - No headphones on the subway
07:45 - Superbowl halftime thoughts
13:37 - Kendrick’s coded message for black people
16:38 - Snoop & Brady’s cringe Superbowl ad
20:05 - Kanye’s shirts and crazy tweets
28:37 - AD - Prizepicks - Go to https://prizepicks.com and use code BOYSCAST to get $50 instantly when you play a $5 lineup
29:58 - AD - Meundies - Go to https://meundies.com/boyscast to get 20% off and free shipping
31:36 - Why Taylor Swift being booed at the superbowl was even more chilling than you think
39:57 - Bigorexia is on the rise!
51:12 - Ryan fighting with robots
1:01:43 - AD - Hims- Go to https://hims.com/boyscast for personalized ED treatments
1:03:49 - AD - Mando - Go to https://shopmando.com and use code BOYSCAST to get 40% off your order
1:05:59 - Small boobs are all the rage
1:07:28 - Fat girl on breakfast club
1:09:55 - Bigorexia: wanting to get ripped is a mental disorder now?
1:22:47 - Ozempic making people blind?
1:33:24 - “Deep” dive into small penis problems reddit
1:45:25 - Wrap up