Episode #108 Who were the Moundbuilders? Practicing an Integrated Science with Global Reach? The Randall Carlson Podcast

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Mar 28 2024 140 mins   111 1 0

Only a few spots left for 5-day Scablands tour in Mid-May: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scablands-of-washington-wrandall-carlson-bradley-young-5th-annual-tour-tickets-677614943537?aff=erelexpmlt “The Randall Carlson” socials, VoD titles, tours, events, podcasts, merch shop, donate: https://randallcarlson.com/links Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from '06-'09 on Brad's original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex

Snake Bros introduce some UK research they’ve been discussing on @BrothersoftheSerpent leading into the episode’s broad discussion of an archaic global system. Limestone erosion, sites named for the devil, Inter-glacials, and the Moon all connect to the mystery of our past – during and prior to a great catastrophe. The commonality of measurements is too coincidental to not question the possibility of a global system that was utilizing some unknown geoscientific technology and had a purpose we are yet to conceive. The fact that early reports directly from the Natives, that they were not the builders of the curious widespread geometric complexes, opens up a new perspective on the mystery of America’s Lost Civilization. Kosmographia Ep108 of The Randall Carlson Podcast, with Brothers of the Serpent – Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley, from 1/29/24 https://youtu.be/EY26Dx5hUHU

In the name of liberty and freedom, these videos are also available on our new partner platform! Please join us here: https://www.howtube.com/channels/RandallCarlson


Bradley T Lepper article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344493779_The_Newark_Earthworks_a_monumental_engine_of_world_renewal

Available Video on Demand titles: https://www.howtube.com/playlist/view?PLID=381

"Here Be Dragons" Part 1of3+

Cosmic Summit ’23 (20+ hours)

Mysterious Origins of Halloween and the Ancient Day of the Dead Festivals

Sacred Geometry introductory workshop, plus lectures (14+ hours)

“Plato’s Atlantis” (7 hours of geologic deep-dive in two parts)

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Randall with Joe Rogan ep1772 https://open.spotify.com/episode/190slemJsUXH5pEYR6DUbf

RC with Graham Hancock on JRE 1897 “Ancient Apocalypse” Netflix series and new technology announcement: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2xvmTo09BFMd6tJfJPmmvT

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Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from '06-'09 on Brad's original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex

Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent

Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/

ep108 with RC and Bradley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZC4nsOUxqI

Theme “Deos” and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/

Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights)

with audio mastered by Kyle Allen and Chris James.