Episode #111 Cosmic Science of Sacred Geometry: Peaceful Plasmoid Power Revolution

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Nov 19 2024 137 mins   308 3 1


Cosmic Science defined by Harmonic Numbers known by the Ancients! Join us May '25 for the inaugural Bonneville Flood Caravan https://RandallCarlson.com/tours-and-events

“The Randall Carlson” socials, VoD titles, tours, events, podcasts, merch shop, donate: https://randallcarlson.com/links Kosmographia Ep111 of a Randall Carlson Podcast, with Jahannah James, Jordan Collin, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley, from 10/24/24 -- Latest updates on the Plasma Technologies announced by RC on Joe Rogan Experience! Visit Rapa Nui Moai w/ JJ ...


YouTube: YouTube.com/AlchemicalScience

X: X.com/AlchemicalSci

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2823018

Website: alchemicalscience.org

Strike Foundation Website: strikefoundation.earth (Malcolm Bendall's notes, lectures and references and resources available - will be updated with more by me this week)

Malcolm Bendall's notes (print to order copies available worldwide on Amazon at cost price) - https://a.co/d/13zz7pd

The Shaman - Roland Perry bio-novel based on Malcolm's life) - https://a.co/d/0XEKIRS

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project youtube Channel (81 videos on the Thunderstorm Generator incl. SEM analysis on the spheres) - YouTube.com/MFMP

Bob Greenyer, Remote View blog - https://remoteview.substack.com/

+ analysis of the inside and outside spheres of the TSG done by Bob (many other posts too but we spoke about these during the interview):

THOR - Inside of the Outside https://open.substack.com/pub/remoteview/p/thor-outside-of-the-inside?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

THOR - It's Ball Lightning! Or is it?


THOR - Outside Inside


JJ handle across Social media: @funnyoldeworld

She narrates BAM (builders of the ancient mysteries) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViS4nf9j9b8 and BARABAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI6VUM0IPSY

Randall Carlson’s ridiculous Great Pyramid Hypothesis (w/ Dr. Miano “World of Antiquity” channel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VltvNUA9Mb0

Randall Carlson’s ridiculous Great Pyramid Hypothesis (w/ Dr. Miano “World of Antiquity” channel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VltvNUA9Mb0

Available Video on Demand titles: https://www.howtube.com/playlist/view?PLID=381

Sacred Geometry introductory workshop, plus lectures (14+ hours)

“Plato’s Atlantis” (7 hours of geologic deep-dive in two parts

http://www.RandallCarlson.com has the podcast, RC’s blog, galleries, and products to purchase!

RC’s monthly science news and activities: https://randallcarlson.com/newsletter

Randall with Joe Rogan ep1772 https://open.spotify.com/episode/190slemJsUXH5pEYR6DUbf

RC with Graham Hancock on JRE 1897 “Ancient Apocalypse” and new technology announcement: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2xvmTo09BFMd6tJfJPmmvT

Malcolm Bendall presents on MSAART Plasmoid Revolution: https://www.howtube.com/channels/StrikeFoundationEarth

Support Randall Carlson's efforts to discover and share pivotal paradigm-shifting information! Improve the quality of the podcast and future videos. Allow him more time for his research into the many scientific journals, books, and his expeditions into the field, as he continues to decipher the clues that explain the mysteries of our past, and prepare us for the future...

Contribute to RC thru howtube: https://www.howtube.com/channels/RandallCarlson#tab_donate

Make a one-time donation thru PayPal, credit/debit card or other account here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8YVDREQ9SMKL6&source=url

Contribute monthly to receive bonus content and perks: https://patreon.com/RandallCarlson

Email us at [email protected] OR [email protected]

Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from '06-'09 on Brad's original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex

Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent

Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/

ep108 with RC and Bradley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZC4nsOUxqI

Theme “Deos” and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/

Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights)