Sep 16 2024 24 mins 63
Find all previous and future episodes listed here or in your podcast app under “Barbican Station”.
We are back with a special treat for all the SLOW HORSES fans – a interview with Gary Oldman about the latest season. We get into his showdown with David Cartwright that’s been building since season one and how Oldman handles playing a character who’s backstory is still being build by the book series author, Mick Herron. It’s a fascinating look into the show.
After the interview we’ll break down the conversation and what we learned.
You won’t want to miss this one!
Go on a tour of the real locations seen in SLOW HORSES. Go to and enter the coupon code SLOUGH for 20% off your tour.
My original review of the book Spook Street. The Barbican Station episode on the book is here.
Follow the latest news about the upcoming AppleTV adaption here.
Sound Effect by <a href="">encoraza2</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
For more on the slow horses, click here.
Track down the real Slough House here.