Aug 24 2022 32 mins
Content Note: pervasive language, brief mentions of bigotry.
Alex Greenfield says that there was no such thing as a normal day when he was a kid. His dad (Allen H Greenfield) self describes as a “researcher in the shadow world.” And his mom soon grew tired of her husband’s lifestyle, which included a lot of time on the road: chasing rumors of cryptids, ghosts, and aliens.
But after his parents split up, Alex, his dad, and an ever changing cast of motorcycle gang members and step-moms kept seeking the occult.
Some of the topics discussed in this episode: St. Simons Island in Georgia (and reported hauntings), The Okefenokee Swamp (and the ignition of swamp gas), The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident (and subsequent protests), Mono Lake in California (and the UFO sightings there), and a movie called Being There (wherein the character played by Peter Sellers appears to walk on water).
Alex Greenfield is the writer of The Sand, 10.0 Earthquake, and other movies. He also used to be the head writer for WWE Smackdown.
Alex’s dad, Allen H Greenfield (aka. T Allen Greenfield), is a UFOlogist and occultist. He is the author of Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, The Story Of The Hermetic Brotherhood Of Light, and other books.
Unrelated to this episode, but do give a listen to the limited series that Jeff’s been mixing for Crooked Media. It’s called Another Russia, and it’s about the assassination of Russian dissident Boris Nemtsov, as told by Ben Rhodes and Zhanna Nemtsova. Available now on every podcast app.
Also, Jeff’s headed back to Berlin, Germany for about a month. If you know any good stories/interviews he should record while he’s there, send a DM on Twitter or Instagram, or use the contact form.
Here Be Monsters is an independent podcast supported by listeners and sponsors.
Producer: Jeff Emtman
Music: The Black Spot, Circling Lights, August Friis
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