Feb 19 2025 31 mins
During a moment of personal turmoil, Rocky Villanueva gets an email from a long-time client. His client is in his final weeks of life, and is getting his last wishes taken care of. One of those wishes: to look like himself when he dies.
Rocky says that many hairdressers and barbers have similar experiences: helping their clients through the last stages of life and letting them look the way they want to look for a final time.
Rocky packs his haircutting tools and bikes across Berlin to spend an hour with his client, giving him a haircut and receiving advice on love and grief.
Producer: Jeff EmtmanMusic: The Black Spot, Serocell, Phantom Fauna
Sponsor: The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist
The sponsor for this episode is The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist. It’s a fictional illustrated diary of an artist navigating love and hatred.
The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist is now available at all online book stores.
See Jeff’s favorite images from the book, on the podcast website
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