Jan 24 2025 130 mins 2
A review of the indie Christian(-ish) video game Sainthood and a strong foundation we can stand on in challenging and uncertain situations as we begin our Geek Bible Study of 1st Timothy!
00:00:30 Intro
00:04:34 Sainthood Review
00:22:31 CGC & Christian Geek News (The Crier Stone by Lyndsey Lewellen)
00:23:55 A Foundation For Uncertain & Difficult Times (1 Timothy Geek Bible Study)
00:48:06 Listener/Viewer Feedback, Questions & Comments (Is intense discipline from fathers "toxic"?)
Paeter's Geek Week
01:00:14 MOVIES & SHOWS: Return To Oz
01:07:31 BOOKS: The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz
01:14:19 TABLETOP GAMES: Mage Knight Board Game, Four Against Darkness
01:26:56 VIDEO GAMES- Conan Exiles, Dragon Age:Inquisition, Path Of Exile 2, Spider-man 2, Monster Hunter Rise
01:55:07 On The Next Episode...
01:57:12 Essential Issues Weekly: DC Comics Reactions (Pretty much every comic I read this week fell flat for me. In fact, I honestly did not want to share my thoughts about them at all. Give me a few minutes and I'll explain why...)
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All episodes are archived and available for download at www.spiritblade.com , Resources used to prepare CGC Bible Study/Devotional content include:"Expositor's Bible Commentary", Frank E. Gaebelein General Editor (Zondervan
Publishing House),"The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament",
by Dr. John H. Walton, Dr. Victor H. Matthews & Dr. Mark W. Chavalas (InterVarsity
Press), "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament", by Dr. Craig S. Keener (InterVarsity Press),Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Blueletterbible.org, The Christian Geek Central Statement Of Faith can be found at: http://christiangeekcentral.blogspot.com/p/about.html The Christian Geek Central Podcast is written, recorded and produced by Paeter Frandsen. Additional segments produced by their credited authors. Logo created by Matthew Silber. Copyright 2007-2025, Spirit Blade Productions. Music by Wesley Devine, Bjorn A. Lynne, Pierre Langer, Jon Adamich, audionautix.com and Sound Ideas. Spazzmatica Polka by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Freesound.org effects provided by: FreqMan