Nov 24 2024 17 mins
Many talks in Catholic settings. inspire. But do they transform? Do they have a life changing impact on the people who are listening to them? It's true that not every time you listen to a Catholic talk, it's gonna lead, you know, to life transformation. But what if None of the talks that you listen to lead to any change in your life.
Something's missing.
Today I want to talk about this, this all important step of making our talks actionable, something that the people who are listening to them can act upon and thus see some change and transformation in their life.
This is the fourth in a 4 Part Series on “The Four Pillars of Great Talks”. The other three that have been covered in the podcast are:
1) Make it Clear”, episode 77, “Simple + Visual = Memorable”
2) “Make it Compelling”, episode 59, “How to Have Something to Say”
3) “Make it Applicable” episode 83, “You Better Know Your Audience”
Also, here’s the link to Michael Gormley’s episode, number 56, “Teaching to Change Lives”
Link to PDF Overview of Episode
Here’s a link to the PDF Overview of this Episode “Are Your Talks Actionable?”
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Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites.
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