Sep 03 2024 44 mins
Today, we’re talking to Nashville-based yoga instructor, doula, and activist, Renee Watkins, about reconnecting to your body to make a real difference. And what does that actually mean?
It means using breath work, which is the common thread among all of Renee’s passions and pursuits, so you can find not only emotional healing for yourself, but also for your community.
It’s evident that Renee cares deeply about helping people and she starts with her local community here in Nashville. Through Renee’s yoga practice, she’s breaking down stereotypes and creating safe, inclusive spaces for Black and brown women. We get into all of that in this episode, plus we also talk about:
Why its important to be in tune with your body, what your body can tell you, how to start making a difference while protecting your peace, releasing anger, and breathing the correct way. And you might be surprised about what the right way is.
Then, we get into the topic of high birth mortality rates, especially for Black women, in the United States, what to do to minimize birth trauma and how it all fits together with Yoga, human advocacy, and teaching our kids what they really need to know so they can avoid some of the pitfalls we're seeing in our time.
We finish up the episode talking about sexuality and sensuality and dealing with repression of it. It’s all connected.
Throughout the episode, Renee gives us awesome expert advice and she mixes in personal stories too, so you’ll love getting to know her and her bright personality. Her Yoga practice, which is her primary focus right now, is called RW Yoga. She’s trained extensively in Vinyasa, Rocket, and Prenatal Yoga.
This episode does come with a trigger warning: About half way through, maybe a little before, we start talking about sex education with several hard truths and then move into the topic of birth trauma with real life examples. These are very important, critical conversations to have, but proceed with caution if these topics are triggering for you.
Now, let’s dive in.
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