This week on 'Who's the Bitch', Kara got the 'Rona despite getting the vax, but the recovery was much faster SO GET YOUR VACCINES PEOPLE. Jackie talks about Geoff's recent Tetanus shot, and Kara reveals that Covid gave her time to get into "The Traitors" at the same time as Jackie! Plus Kara stakes her claim to the idea for "Dungeons and Drag Queens" years before the current series (DRAMA).
Our first emailer wants to know which sign of the zodiac is THE BITCH, and everyone's lookin' at you Sagittarius!
The second emailer wants to know if they're THE BITCH for calling out their father in law for repeatedly (exhaustingly) wasting servers' time by asking for recommendations only to order fish/chicken and vegetables every.single.time. Or is their father in law THE BITCH for literally wasting time, OR is their HUSBAND THE TRUE BITCH for not letting them be meaner to his dad!
Our third emailer wants to know if they're THE BITCH for telling randos that asked about their (estranged) mother that she was DEAD, and now that they know the story isn't true it's still their story and they're stickin' to it.
Our final caller this week wants to know WHO'S THE BITCH when it comes to their time thief coworker literally being given special treatment and they're STILL not making it in on time to relieve them!
Our last submitter has a more "Will I BE THE BITCH" because they haven't done anything yet, but they're wanting to address their friend who's wearing eeeeveryone out with the political takes.
Got a situation in your life and can't figure out Who's the Bitch? Hit us up at and leave us a voicemail, email or DM. You can also talk to us live on our bi-weekly Monday livestreams on! Returning February 10th with a much less stuffy Kara
Comedians Jackie Zebrowski and Kara Klenk want to help you figure out, Who’s the Bitch? On this weekly call-in advice podcast, the hosts get emails, DMs, voicemails, and even take calls live on air so they can get all the dirty details of your problem and weigh in. Help us, help you figure out…Who’s The Bitch?