Jan 22 2025 61 mins 35
Hear Don Newcombe’s full length conversation with former Negro Leaguer and Dodgers teammate Lou Johnson. From growing up in New Jersey to experiences in the Negro Leagues and his bond with Jackie Robinson and Roy Campenella as they trailblazed baseball, Newcombe describes in vivid detail the challenges, obstacles and the overt racism he experienced on and off the field. Newcombe also discusses his battle with alcoholism and how his journey enabled him to help teammates with their own struggles. You’ll also hear Newcombe reflect on his friendship with Martin Luther King Jr., and the impact the Negro League pioneers had on the Civil Rights Movement.
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To support the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and preserve the legacy of Buck O'Neil, please visit ThanksAMillionBuck.com
Visit the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City - NLBM.com
See and Support the Dream of the NEW Negro Leagues Baseball Museum - Pitch for the Future