Mar 10 2025 50 mins 1
Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York.
In Today's Show
- What is a Melkite priest?
- My sister says she finds it hard to forgive, should I leave it in God's hands?
- My sister is getting a PhD in LGBT studies, how should I handle this?
- Why did Mary appear to the Coptics if they are not in communion with Rome?
- In the divine mercy prayer why do offer up the Body, Blood Soul and Divinity?
- What is the difference between wearing the miraculous medal and a charm?
- When do you stop bringing to people's attention that they are using God's name in vain?
- While praying Is there less grace for each particular intention if you have more than one?
- Was there a time where the laity did not receive Communion on Good Friday?
- Why isn't baptism administered to embryos?
- Should Catholics refrain from going to parties during Lent?
- If I was a journalist and see a public figure in a drunken state, would it be detraction to publicize it?
- What is the best prayer for the Church Suffering?
- Which novena to St. Joseph does Father suggest?
- Is it ok for lay people to pray the Divine Office?
- At what point does fighting with your spouse become a mortal sin?
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