All appsec teams need quality tools and all developers benefit from appsec guidance that's focused on meaningful results. Greg Anderson shares his experience in bringing the OWASP DefectDojo project to life and maintaining its value for over a decade. He reminds us that there are tons of appsec teams with low budgets and few members that need tools to help them bring useful insights to developers.
Segment Resources:
- Three-quarters of CISOs surveyed reported being "overwhelmed" by the growing number of tools and their alerts:
- As many as one-fifth of all cybersecurity alerts turn out to be false positives. Among 800 IT professionals surveyed, just under half of them stated that approximately 40% of the alerts they receive are false positives:
- 91% of organizations knowingly released vulnerable applications, 57% of vulnerabilities are left unresolved by developers, 32% of CISOs deploy vulnerable code in the hopes it won’t be discovered, 56% of developers struggle to prioritize vulnerability fixes:
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