Jun 10 2020 32 mins
Chris Mercer (@merecertweets) aka ‘Mercer’ is not only good at analytics, but he's also good at teaching analytics. That's what he spends his days doing as the Co-Founder of Measurement Marketing.io.
Chris and his team help people like you discover how to grow your business using tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Data Studio and more. Essentially, Chris helps people get to know the numbers - to grow the numbers.
He is genuinely excited about analytics, and Google Analytics specifically. He is infectious. So, if you listen to this episode of Intended Consequences, you might get excited about analytics, too.
How can anyone plug into Google Analytics? And where do you start?
You'll be surprised by some of Chris’ answers. Listen in.
Resources and links discussed:
- Follow Chris on Twitter @mercertweets
- Learn more about MeasurementMarketing.io
- Follow Brian on Twitter @bmassey
- Learn more about Conversion Sciences