Wants, needs, and laundry....oh my!
In this fun, small-sized episode, host Celeste Busa, and her husband Dave Hill, get philisophical in this post-therapy discussion.
- Queen of revenge bedtime [1:47]
- Decompression versus bedtime [2:47]
- Checking off the adult list [5:00]
- Prioritizing wants over responsibility [7:52]
- Wants as a parent and individual [9:56]
- Letting go of selfish guilt for your wants [10:43]
- Communicating wants with partner [14:45]
- Keeping empathy with wants [15:53]
- Maintaing personal choice around others [17:05]
- Starting with small conversations [18:44]
- Understanding partner history [19:12]
- Wanting time to play with partner [21:00]
- Picking a selfish want [22:02]
- Honoring wants within parenting [24:00]
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