David Rosenberg is the founder and president of Rosenberg Research, an economic and financial market consulting firm he established in January 2020.
Dave provides advice to 2,600 clients, both retail and institutional, across 40 countries.
Prior to creating his own company, David was chief economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff + Associates from 2009 to 2019. Prior to that, from 2000 to 2009, he was at Merrill Lynch, where for the first two years he was chief Canadian economist and strategist based out of Toronto; for the last seven he was Chief North American economist at Merrill Lynch in New York, where he was consistently ranked in top three of Wall Street economists polled by the annual Institutional Investors survey.
David is a frequent contributor to most major financial newspapers and publications in North America and makes regular TV appearances in the financial media.
He received both a BA and MA in economics from the University of Toronto.