Sep 16 2024 35 mins
Randy Grimes, former starting center for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, silently struggled with an addiction to prescription pills during his tenure. On this week’s “Heart of the Matter,” he talks with Elizabeth Vargas about the impact of his addiction during and after his football career, and his work helping current and retired athletes get the treatment they need.
Explore more on topics and themes discussed in this episode:
Editor’s Note: The views and opinions expressed on “Heart of the Matter” are those of the podcast participants and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Partnership to End Addiction. We are also mindful that some of the personal stories feature the word “addict” and other terms from this list. We respect and understand those who choose to use certain terms to express themselves. However, we strive to use language that’s health-oriented, accurately reflects science, promotes evidence-based treatment and demonstrates respect and compassion.
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Partnership to End Addiction website
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