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Nov 23 2024 58 mins  

The Diva Queens are here for you as they always are and always will be. What do Lina and Drea have in store for the girls this week?

A little bit of a somber opening! The girls first time recording since the election, if this is your reprieve from real life skip ahead to 09:48 for our regularly programmed LOLs.

12:18 - The girls discuss their Thanksgiving plans and a very pressing question we must know; are you a real or fakey Christmas tree kind of gal?

23:45 - The latest celeb breakup has arrived and this one hit close to home. Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum officially announced their breakup! Lina and Drea discuss why on set relationships are tricky to maintain and if going through something traumatic with a partner brings you closer or drives a wedge.

29:00 - The girls discuss dressing your partner and when it’s the right time to try suggesting a change?

31:28 - Business of Fashion published an article explaining the latest in aI technology from the startup Osmo, sneaker authentication using scent. The new technology uses an AI algorithm through smelling the composition of materials. Lina and Drea discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of using this technology. Also listen to the end of the segment to learn about the freaky deaky thing that Lina’s Versace bag does.

39:29 - This year’s Grammys nominations were announced, Lina and Drea deep dive into the noms and who they hope to see taking home wins. Later on the girls spill some Tea on the styling world in Miami and the current Latin music scene.

53:01 - Historical Segment of the Week! This week marked the 14th anniversary of Kid Cudi’s sophomore album, Man on the Moon, The Legend of Mr. Rager. Day you remember where you were when this album dropped?

We’re on You Tube now !!

Much love to the INTS Diva Queens, as always if you have a topic you want us to discuss, a question for us to answer, or your own “Was it a Bad Day or Are They Just a Piece of Sh*t” story for us to read please drop a line on IG or send an email to please drop a line on IG or send an email to [email protected]

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This episode is presented by Dear Young Queen Podcast Network.