Dec 25 2024 61 mins
Welcome back beautiful Diva Queens! Lina and Drea want to thank you for always being here for the ride!
The girls want to invite you to subscribe to their newest project ‘Drinks After Work’. These will be subscriber-only bonus episodes available wherever you listen to the pod!! Please send in your topics. The girls will be getting a lot deeper behind the paywall and spilling industry, personal and celebrity tea!
17:34 - Goodbye to our beloved TikTok! Will we no longer have access to our number one vice? Or will our favorite brain rot machine live to see another day?
25:56 - Canadian retail giant, Hudson’s Bay will be buying Neiman Marcus. What does that mean for luxury department stores in the US? HBC already owns Saks Fifth Avenue, so what will the retail landscape look like after the deal is sealed? Lina and Drea get into the issues with department stores and some personal experiences with personal shopping for clients with people who quite frankly do NOT want to do their jobs!
37:58 - It was officially announced that Matthieu Blazy will leave his role at Bottega Veneta to step into the helm of Chanel! Lina and Drea talk about what this means for the future of both brands and if they’re excited for the Creative Director musical chairs.
45:25 - Just as fast as Megan Fox announced her pregnancy, she just announced her break up with resident gross man Machine Gun Kelly. Lina and Drea discuss at what point is it time to walk away from a relationship and when is it worth it to fight.
52:08 - Jacob Elordi stepped out at the Marrakech Film Festival with a new beard! The girls are quaking and not in a good way. Is he the only man that is not improved with the addition of a beard? Later on, Lina and Drea check out his new teeth which takes down his stock significantly. What did we do to deserve this? Where did things go so wrong?
57:36 - While on the topic of new terrible things; Lina and Drea talk about the latest iOS update for iPhone and why it’s the worst thing ever. Who hurt the person who designed the new Photos app?
Much love to the INTS Diva Queens, as always if you have a topic you want us to discuss, a question for us to answer, or your own “Was it a Bad Day or Are They Just a Piece of Sh*t” story for us to read please drop a line on IG or send an email to please drop a line on IG or send an email to [email protected]
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@linagosh on Instagram
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©2024 Dear Young Queen
This episode is presented by Dear Young Queen Podcast Network.