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Over the past 25 years in Christian music, few other bands have been as influential or have a sound as instantly recognizable as Tenth Avenue North. They have released multiple records with hope-filled songs for people who live with crippling shame.
Tenth Avenue North's "frontman," Mike Donehey, started the band while all the members were in college. For two decades their music was everywhere - on the radio, on people's iPods, and being sung & played in churches all over the world. Then in 2020, growing families and the toll of being on the road led the band to call it quits. As Mike says, they were committed "not to sacrifice family on the altar of our band."
After a short time as a solo artist, Mike really missed playing with a band, and in a gift to all of us recently relaunched Tenth Avenue North. The sound is fresh but still familiar, some of the other members are new, but the purpose is the same... as Mike puts it: "I just want to lift peoples' shame, one song at a time."
Our conversation chases down a lot of paths - a (literal) back-breaking high school injury that was the catalyst to Mike learning to play guitar, to the early days of the band, to the things he learned in transition, to what provides creative "irritation" for not only songwriting but also writing books. Throughout the conversation, though, what is constant is Mike's thoughtfulness and focus on things that really matter.
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Tenth Avenue North band website
Mike Donehey artist website
Mike's books
Awaken website
Roots Retreat Men's Intensive
Roots Retreat Women's Workshop
Awaken Men & Women's support meeting info (including virtual)