Jan 27 2025 33 mins 39
Godliness vs Effectiveness - the Both/And Ministry dilemma
- Godliness vs Effectiveness
- Theology vs Pragmatics
- People centered vs Organisationally minded
- Leading from the front vs Serving others
- Courage to take a stand vs Quick to submit
- Others know I am one of them vs I am set apart to lead
- I lead patiently vs I lead with a sense of urgency
Most Christians at some point do start to wonder if they are the real deal. What God asks of us is so far reaching, so all encompassing, that when we come up short, we start to ask ourselves “Am I an imposter?” “Should I really be a leader?” and perhaps/Am even a Christian at all?’
Gary Millar is the Principal of Queensland’s Theological College and author of a new book ‘Both/And Ministry.’
Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.
Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.
Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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