Oct 16 2024 20 mins 9
October 2024Libra Solar AlchemyLisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media. The pernicious lies being broadcast are deliberately and blatantly used in casting sorcery spells of confusion and darkness all around us. The antichrist and his minions don’t bother to hide themselves from us anymore, we can see their smirking faces in their mocking rituals now, along with their most abused gaslighting tactic when any shred of truth surfaces. Their primary directive is to power forward with their sinister plans and to deny, deny and deny some more.
Dear Ascending Family,
Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media. The pernicious lies being broadcast are deliberately and blatantly used in casting sorcery spells of confusion and darkness all around us. The antichrist and his minions don’t bother to hide themselves from us anymore, we can see their smirking faces in their mocking rituals now, along with their most abused gaslighting tactic when any shred of truth surfaces. Their primary directive is to power forward with their sinister plans and to deny, deny and deny some more.