Relationships get stuck when one or both people aren’t conscious of their deeper feelings and needs. A powerful method for tapping into your subconscious where these unknown parts of yourselves reside, is visualization.
People typically use visualization to help them get into a certain state of mind, improve their performance at something, clarify goals they want to accomplish, or even to try to heal physical illnesses. But a more effective approach is to visualize what you actually DO feel rather than what you want to feel. Instead of trying to create an experience, expose the one that’s actually there but hasn’t been consciously acknowledged, or at least hasn’t been communicated to the other person.
Tapping into this inner truth will set you free. It might hurt, it could shock, or it may delightfully never know. It might also bring out unconscious, knee-jerk reactions in the other person showing you that they may not be up to having a conscious relationship with you. Whatever happens, you will have set yourself on the path to healing, growth, and freedom from half conscious, half-truths about what’s going on in yourself and in your relationship. This will lead to self-actualization, wisdom, freedom, and success. - - -