#59: Solve Your Relationship Conflict by Being a Musical Math Genius!

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Sep 19 2023 21 mins  

It’s difficult to be objective about yourself, and when you interact with someone it can be daunting. You get caught up in the relationship process and lose yourself. This happens because a relationship is far more than just two separate human beings communicating by sending and receiving signals and messages.

Together, you and the other person form a system in which the contents of your psyches lose their borders as they interact, merge, morph, conflict, entangle, disentangle, and behave as part of a whole. Your personal history, present consciousness, and future fate intertwine with the other person’s and create a third entity called, the "relationship.”

The way to improve your relationship is to awaken to how your psyche gets entangled with theirs. This involves learning how to identify your own patterns of experience and behavior, and how they relate to the other person’s. To accomplish this, it’s instructive to understand how identifying patterns lies at the heart of both music and mathematics.

This episode includes a discussion of the connection between music, math, and relationships…complete with some loud guitar riffing! Learning how to identify the psychological patterns in your relationships will lead to healing, growth, and wisdom.

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