Feb 28 2025 34 mins 13
Madison’s latest boyfriend comes home from his job with a surprise. He’s stolen a quarter of a million dollars worth of jewels from his work! There’s no turning back, so Madison takes charge as the two prepare to leave the country with the loot. But when her boyfriend’s new manager stops by their apartment, panic will lead to some really bad decisions. Then things go from bad to worse when Mike Waring the private investigator – better know as the Falcon – is hired to work the case. Has Madison pushed the boundaries of OTR too far? Will she be able to zap herself out of this mess?
TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE: https://www.madisonontheair.com/thefalcon_transcript/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/MadisonontheAir
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/mota
Written/Produced/Edited: Chrisi Talyn Saje
Original Music/Audio Engineering: Jeremy Saje
Madison Standish: Chrisi Talyn Saje
Tom Lacey: Steve Jun
Mike Waring, The Falcon: Tom O'Connor
James Carraway: Scott R. McKinley
Ev Forrest: AJ Fidalgo
Miss Pierce: Sharon Grünwald
Mrs. Davis: Julie Hoverson
Announcer: Pete Lutz
Find links to our actors: https://www.madisonontheair.com/cast/