Oct 06 2022 82 mins
We begin our second season in a celestial place of light overlooking the banks of the etheric Rhine River at the same location we know in our world as Bingen, in Germany. This is the heavenly home of the ascended master Lanello and his twin flame Elizabeth.
While we tour the luminous terraced gardens and ponds we're also on a tour of eighteen of Lanello's most interesting and instructive lives, spanning thousands of years. The point of reviewing Lanello's amazing lives is that we too have seen similar dramas and tragedies in our past lives, though now it may be possible to regard them as prologue. With Lanello, our focus is in re-gathering the great souls who came so long ago to rescue Earth's people and somehow, through our trials, forgot the mission.
Lanello is the reminder of that mission, seeing only victory for this planet and all other planets we are yet to rescue. Each of the other masters we've visited have all made the same point: The best is yet to come.